Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rebooting Again?

Urgh.. Paramount what are you doing? News out overnight from the States is that the team behind “A Quiet Place”, alongside the studio are going into production later in the year to start the rebooting of the franchise again. Michael Bay and Andrew Form are...
Aquaman Breaks the Billion.

Aquaman Breaks the Billion.

You knew it was coming.. today with the weekend updates being posted Aquaman became the 37th film to break $1 Billion dollars at the worldwide box office. Quite a surprise really given the build up in the DCEU with the previous films and disappointing returns from...

Final Destination Reboot in the works.

For those of us old enough this is good news indeed. Back in 2000 a horror/scare franchise was born with the original Final Destination, in which a group of teenagers (naturally) avoid death when a plane they were due to be boarding crashes… however.. you can...

Coming to America sequel announced.

Please insert shocked/confused emoji here. One of the strangest bits of news coming out of the states overnight is a sequel to Eddie Murphy’s Coming To America is getting a sequel, with Eddie himself returning. I am not sure about this at all.. I loved the...