A few days ago I wrote about billion dollar box office films and with 36 by the end of 2018 (unless Aquaman keeps pace and becomes the 37th) I thought I would have a go at predicting which films may break the barrier again.. 2019 could be HUGE..

Alita: Battle Angel
One of my movies for 2019 (and was on the 2018 list until it got moved back) this film is directed bt the billion dollar filmmaker himself, James Cameron. With his own Avatar supplanting his own Titanic as the biggest box office of all time, the guy can hardly do wrong..
Odds of hitting – 20%

Captain Marvel
Black Panther was the last introductory film in the MCU and trundled it’s way up to $1.35 Billion worldwide including a ridiculous $700 Million stateside, good for 3rd all time.. I don’t expect Captain Marvel to do as well in the local market this time around, but interest post Avengers: Infinity War might help it’s totals.
Odds of hitting – 65%

We at FCPN debate the DCEU frequently. With Aquaman set to take the new lead in box office total for the series it’s up to Shazam to keep the pace.. my gut says it won’t do quite as well with sandwiched between two MCU Behemoths..
Odds of hitting – 10%

I debated whether putting this in here was worth it, until a conversation we had on franchises getting canned if films don’t get near the fabled billion meant I probably had to. I won’t be betting on this getting near.. $500 Million is probably a success…
Odds of hitting – 0%

Avengers: Endgame
One of two films I would actually bet my house on joining the club. It has a chance of joining the elite group of films that have taken $2 Billion Which currently stands at four, and includes Infinity War.
Odds of hitting – 100%